Unleash Your True Potential and Increase Your Confidence.

Welcome! If you're here, it means you're ready for a for a Core Powered Life.

Get free training on using your core self to address nagging problems.

I'm Joey, and this is about me.

My Mission: Help people succeed and achieve goals in ways aligned with their core values.

My Vision: Knowing and using your core values become part of everyday life so we can work together to achieve goals and overcome challenges.

My Core Values

  • Courage: The ability to say who you are and what you want and then take the actions you know to do.

  • Curiosity: The willingness to explore even if the answers aren't clear.

  • Connection: Knowing who we are and helping others do the same.

I started my core-based work in 2015 after producing several hundred tribute videos. I listened to thousands of individuals express their affection for loved ones through these videos. At some point, I started to sense a theme in the videos. The themes were something like love, joy, or happiness, and they made me realize we all have something at our core, even if we don't have the exact language to describe it.

As a photographer, video producer, trainer, and manager of a large retail store, I knew the importance of core values. I worked on a system to bring that theme from the background of our lives to the foreground. I started coaching people on using their core values to develop a sense of purpose.

But honestly, I made it too complicated. I used five core values, which was more than anyone could use regularly. I struggled on numerous fronts, and in 2022, I burnt out.

I realized I didn't have the energy to be anything but myself. With nothing left to offer, I started asking, "Who am I, and how can I be more of that?"

As part of that inquiry, I learned the Navy SEALs put things in sets of three because three things are easier to remember in a war zone. That made sense and sounded easier, so I let go of two core values and settled on courage, connection, and curiosity.

From that day on, my confidence, motivation, and well-being improved because I could wake up and ask, "How can I use my core values today?" I took many baby steps, which led to larger ones, and I recovered from my burnout without having to do any extra meditation, journalling, yoga, exercise, or anything else that might be related to anti-burnout efforts. Not because I was against those things but because I simply didn't have the energy.

I was so amazed by those results that I went to work to understand what had happened. Again, I initially made everything too complicated (which seems to be a theme in my life). But through many iterations, I landed on the five-step Core Values Flywheel.

Now, I train executives, leaders, coaches, and consultants on using the Core Values Flywheel to achieve goals and overcome challenges to increase their confidence, motivation, and well-being.

My message is that, given the power of your core values, when you think of a goal, the first thing to do is remind yourself of your core values and explore how to use them to achieve it. You'll always find a path forward with this approach.

I live in Reno, Nevada, with my teenage son, and I am an a skier and photographer.

You aren't the problem

In the places where you struggle, you simply don't have enough practice being yourself.

To create confidence, compassion, assertiveness, grit or determinations, the secret is being more of yourself in more places. Not trying to be something you aren't because that is exhausting.

The fastest and most efficient way to achieve and maintain a goal is by bringing more of your core self to the situation.

Two Reasons for this:

When you a NOT being your core self, you are being something you are not which is exhausting and frustrating, and leads to isolation and burnout.

When you being your core self, your confidence, creativity, and courage increases so you connect with others to find solutions that work over time.

I help people understand...

Their Unique Strengths

Success isn't about becoming someone else. It's about recognizing and leveraging your unique strengths.

The Power of Alignment

Aligning your actions and beliefs with your core identity can exponentially increase your effectiveness at tackling challenges and achieving your goals.

The Importance of Authenticity

Faking confidence or trying to fit into a mold can lead to burnout. Authenticity is sustainable and far more rewarding.

3 misconceptions about our Core Selves

And how they are holding you back.


I already know (or at least I think I do)

You probably have some sense of who you are at your core but your level of clarity isn't sufficient for your goals. Your core self is like your numbers for your business. The more clarity you have, the more power you have to make positive changes.


I can be myself in some places but it's impossible in other areas. There is nothing I can do about it.

Being your core self takes practice. If you are struggling, you just aren't as good at being your core self in that area. There is nothing wrong with you but you need to practice being your core self.


Core work takes too much work.

This true if you don't have a system to use your core self. The uncertainty and overwhelm associated with asking, "who am I," goes away when you have system to clarify who you are, take action in alignment with who you are, and grow you ability to stay true to yourself in more areas of life.

I've spent the last ten years exploring the question, "who am I at my core and how can I bring more of that to my life?" I created the Core Power Framework so you can learn in minutes and hours what took me months and years.

Tell me if any of this resonates with you...

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You keep asking yourself, "Am I doing this right?" or "Will this work for me?"

It's time to put an end to the uncertainty and boost your confidence in your decisions.


You are confident in some areas of your life, but unsure in others?

Let's work on creating a consistent sense of self-assurance across all facets of your life.


You have a vision for what's possible but you struggle with making it happen.

You have what it takes, and I'm here to help you realize that.

If these situations sound familiar, you're not alone, and most importantly – you don't have to stay stuck. I've developed a unique process that has already helped numerous people build real confidence and overcome their challenges.

Working with me

Rather than focusing on tips and techniques, we focus on bringing your core self to your life.

We clarify who you are and what you want to accomplish.

We determine any doubts hindering your efforts, you learn to let them go, and then you take action.

We evaluate, celebrate, and revise your efforts so you keep moving forward and connected to your core self.

You repeat the process until your goal is achieved. You benefit from that success and knowing how to achieve it without being fake or burning out. The process works because of the power of your core self. Keep tapping into that and you will succeed.

What I live for and how I can be useful to you

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My life

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HR sphere

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My hobbies

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Coach and life coach

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My projects

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Client Reviews

The discussion I had with Joey opened my eyes to the notion of purpose that I never suspected was a necessity to have as a writer. We only talked for an hour but now I have a new focus and start working on a project that I have been struggling with for 6 years. I'm so excited.


Diomaye Augustin NgomActor/Writer/Educator

Working with Joey, I have gone from feeling like an "F" in many areas of my life to an "A". The idea of working from your core has been so powerful. Joey is endlessly patient and understanding - I recommend him to anyone who wants to work to improve their life.


Teresa Peters

Owner, T&K Images

Recent Blog Posts

5 steps to increase your creativity

How creatives can increase their creativity

October 19, 20244 min read

Creativity is often seen as a mysterious force—an untamed muse that graces us with its presence on some days and seems elusive on others. For musicians, artists, and writers, tapping into this creative flow can feel like chasing powder snow on a winter morning. But just as with powder days, there’s a process to finding your way back to those bursts of inspiration and productivity.

The Powder Day Process is designed to help you unlock your creative potential, move through creative blocks, and create more days where everything just flows. The secret? Celebrating progress, clarifying goals, recognizing challenges, using core values, and taking aligned action.

As Steven Pressfield, author of The War of Art, wisely puts it:
"The most important thing about art is to work. Nothing else matters except sitting down every day and trying."

Here’s how the Powder Day Process can help musicians, artists, and writers sit down every day and find their flow.

1. Celebrate Your Efforts

Start by acknowledging the small wins you’ve made. Whether you wrote a few lines of lyrics, sketched out a new idea, or strummed a few chords, it’s important to recognize progress. Creativity thrives when it’s nurtured, and celebrating what you’ve done feeds that momentum.

Try this: At the end of your creative session, write down three things you’re proud of, no matter how small. This shifts your mindset from scarcity ("I didn’t do enough") to abundance ("I’m moving forward").

2. Identify Your Goals

Creativity without direction can feel scattered. By clarifying your goals—whether it's finishing a song, completing a painting, or drafting a short story—you give your creativity a purpose. What are you working toward today? And what would make your creative day feel successful?

Try this: Before you begin, set an intention. Ask yourself, "What’s the one thing I want to create today?" Keep it simple, and let that focus drive your process.

3. Recognize Challenges

Creative blocks are inevitable. Maybe you’re stuck on a melody, struggling to find the right words, or feeling uninspired by your current project. The key is to see these challenges for what they are: temporary roadblocks, not dead-ends.

Try this: Make a list of the challenges holding you back. For each one, ask, "What would my core values tell me to do?" If curiosity is a core value, maybe it’s about exploring new techniques or stepping into unfamiliar genres to reignite your passion.

4. Create a Values-Based Plan

Values like curiosity, courage, and connection are powerful tools for breaking through creative blocks. When you align your actions with your values, you’re not just working; you’re creating from a place of purpose.

For musicians, this might mean exploring a new sound or collaborating with others. For writers, it might be stepping outside your comfort zone and writing something deeply personal. For artists, it could mean experimenting with a new medium.

Try this: Reflect on your core values. How can you bring them into your creative practice? If courage is a value, maybe today’s the day you share that unfinished track or sketch with someone for feedback.

5. Take Action

Creativity is not just about thinking—it’s about doing. The Powder Day Process encourages taking small, values-aligned actions every day. Remember, the perfect moment to create will never come; you create the perfect moment by starting.

Try this: Set a timer for 30 minutes and create without judgment. Whether you’re working on music, painting, or writing, give yourself permission to create without the pressure of perfection.

By following these five steps, you can harness the power of the Powder Day Process to boost your creativity and break through blocks. Just like a great powder day on the slopes, the best creative days are built on momentum and flow—both of which you can create by staying true to your process.

Remember: Creativity isn’t about waiting for the muse to show up—it’s about showing up and doing the work, day after day. As Steven Pressfield reminds us, "The most important thing about art is to work." When you apply the Powder Day Process, you’re not only doing the work—you’re setting yourself up for more days where everything clicks, and the creative snow is deep, soft, and full of possibility.

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Joey Chandler

I love talking about who we are and how we can bring more of the to our lives and the world.

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Site: www.joeychandler.net

Location: Reno, NV


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