Want more Confidence?

Learn the 3-Steps to Create Confidence Without Faking It or Burning Out.

The Core Power Switch is A Custom E-book to Unlock Your True Potential, Embrace Success, and Be Yourself with Unwavering Confidence.

Free Yourself from barriers to you Confidence


I can't be confident (or I am as confident as I can be).

You have something powerful at your core. Strengthen your core muscles, and you can increase your confidence without pretending.


Confidence requires energy and time I don't have.

Faking it takes energy and is exhausting. By focusing on your core self, you naturally build your confidence and increase your power.


I have to do this by myself.

Your confidence is bigger than you. People and systems are crucial for creating and maintaining confidence. No one is confident alone.


I created this e-book to for entrepreneurs and leaders that know self-confidence will help them succeed. The secret to confidence is that it's not about being confident, it's about being more of yourself. Faking it until you make it doesn't work in modern times and is a recipe for burnout.

Rather than teaching "how to be confident," we start with who you are at your core and then give you 3 clear steps to use your core self to achieve your goals.

With each do-able step, you move towards your vision and naturally increase your confidence, no matter is you are exhausted and overwhelmed and trying to survive or if you are energized and focused and looking for every advantage to help you succeed faster.

The fact is that show you are at your core is more powerful and closer to the surface than you realize and when you use it intentionally, you create all the confidence you need without faking anything or burning out.

Joey Chandler

How "the Core Power switch" breaks those barriers.


The Core Statement Tool

In just minutes, you create a core statement in the ordering process. No genetic coaching here - the book is custom to you, who you are at your core, and your goals.


The Core Power Framework

A repeatable process for being more of yourself and increasing your confidence you can do, no matter if you are burnt or energized.


The Core Power Challenge

A step-by-step approach to getting started and not stopping until you have the confidence you want.

Plus Bonuses


How to get past doubts and fears that say you can't increase your confidence by reading "The Core Power Switch." No longer will you have to worry about buying a book or a program and not getting value out of it because you didn't do the work.

Exercises to build your core muscles.

We all have more experience being who we think we should be than we are. By journaling about where you are your core self and using your core statement in conversations, you strengthen your authenticity and confidence naturally.


Custom scripts for conversation and AI-generated suggestions for ways to improve your health, wealth, and relationships that are custom to you (which is only possible because you created a core statement at the beginning).

In less than 70 pages, you will increase your confidence by tapping into and using your core self, which is far more powerful than you realize.


I created the Core Power Switch for entrepreneurs and leaders that know self-confidence will help them succeed. The secret to confidence is that it's not about being confident. It's about being more of yourself.

There are other ways to create confidence:

  • Fake it to you make it.

  • Keep taking programs and reading books to find an approach that works for you.

  • Limit your life only to the areas where you know you can be confident

You can do all of those, but I can tell you from experience they are exhausting and don't work as well as promised. Or you can create confidence naturally by learning the three steps to tap into and use your core self.

The fact is that who you are at your core is more powerful and closer to the surface than you realize, and when you use it intentionally, you create all the confidence you need without faking anything or burning out.

If more confidence would help you succeed faster and with less stress, I hope you order your copy today.

Joey Chandler

The 3 Steps For Creating Confidence

Learn to create confidence anywhere with out faking it.


Confidence begins with clarifying who you are at your core, what you want to accomplish, and how you plan to get there.


There is no confidence with out action and to act you must learn to identify and let go of the doubts holding you back.


There is no confidence with out action and to act you must learn to identify and let go of the doubts holding you back.

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Our Team

John Doe

Jane Doe

John Doe


I love [Joey's] work because it's so simple and effective. I don't have to think a lot for it to work and that is very helpful given all that I have going on every day.

Shannon Atkins

Managing Director, Accenture

I was already established professionally in my dream job, but had a need for structure and anchors from which to build my new career. With Joey, I was challenged and able to find a purpose that helped me achieve a better outlook on life, more energy and an overall motivation.

Anna Maria Aune-Moore

Senior Project Assistant, Resettlement and Family Reunification

at IOM - UN Migration Maria Aune-Moore

Order Your Custom Copy Today

Start creating the confidence your want.

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Core Power Switch Online Version

20 videos to build your confidence

Core Clarity Session

1 on 1 Coaching session to boost your confidence

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