Unleash Your True Potential and Increase Your Confidence.

Welcome! If you're here, it means you're ready for a for a Core Powered Life.

Get free training on using your core self to address nagging problems.

Elevating Clarity, Action, and Growth at Your Company

Every company needs clarity, action, and growth.

  • Clarity about who they are serving and how they are doing it.

  • Action aligned with who they are and what they want to accomplish.

  • Growth in terms increasing their ability to serve their clients, people, and business.

It's the collective effort of the leaders and employees, operating at their best, that increases clarity, action, and growth at companies.

Unfortunately, people at all levels are exhausted, overwhelmed, and slipping towards burnout. You can try teaching them the latest and greatest leadership and productivity hacks, but they will most likely resort back to what they know, especially in times of stress.

It's just human nature.

Instead of trying to teach new things, help your people clarify how they operate and help them get better at that.

They all have a core process or way of doing things, and the more clear they are about how to use it, the greater their ability to create clarity, action, and growth for your company.

Schedule a call to learn more and see how you can help your people Find Their Way.

Every other business consultant wants to teach you and your people something new. I'm sure they have great information but you don't need new information. Your people need a system to make greater use of their natural talents, skills, and problem-solving abilities.

Schedule a call to see for yourself.

Let's be honest - People don't believe in core values. For most, core values are more marketing than meaningful.

I used to think the same way. But everything changed when I figured out how to tap into my core self.

By clarifying and using your core values (personal and corporate), you solve problems and achieve goals faster and with less effort.

I'm on a mission to turn core value statements from ignorable to impactful so people can achieve more with less stress.

Have a great day, and I hope to talk soon.

Joey Chandler

Schedule a call to create core statements for yourself, your team, or your company.

You'll walk away with greater clarity and take action in an essential area of your life.

Money back plus a coffee guarantee if you don't get value from our time together.

Create a core statement and learn ways to apply your core values to achieve goals.

You aren't the problem

In the places where you struggle, you simply don't have enough practice being yourself.

To create confidence, compassion, assertiveness, grit or determinations, the secret is being more of yourself in more places. Not trying to be something you aren't because that is exhausting.

The fastest and most efficient way to achieve and maintain a goal is by bringing more of your core self to the situation.

Two Reasons for this:

When you a NOT being your core self, you are being something you are not which is exhausting and frustrating, and leads to isolation and burnout.

When you being your core self, your confidence, creativity, and courage increases so you connect with others to find solutions that work over time.

I help people understand...

Their Unique Strengths

Success isn't about becoming someone else. It's about recognizing and leveraging your unique strengths.

The Power of Alignment

Aligning your actions and beliefs with your core identity can exponentially increase your effectiveness at tackling challenges and achieving your goals.

The Importance of Authenticity

Faking confidence or trying to fit into a mold can lead to burnout. Authenticity is sustainable and far more rewarding.

3 misconceptions about our Core Selves

And how they are holding you back.


I already know (or at least I think I do)

You probably have some sense of who you are at your core but your level of clarity isn't sufficient for your goals. Your core self is like your numbers for your business. The more clarity you have, the more power you have to make positive changes.


I can be myself in some places but it's impossible in other areas. There is nothing I can do about it.

Being your core self takes practice. If you are struggling, you just aren't as good at being your core self in that area. There is nothing wrong with you but you need to practice being your core self.


Core work takes too much work.

This true if you don't have a system to use your core self. The uncertainty and overwhelm associated with asking, "who am I," goes away when you have system to clarify who you are, take action in alignment with who you are, and grow you ability to stay true to yourself in more areas of life.

I've spent the last ten years exploring the question, "who am I at my core and how can I bring more of that to my life?" I created the Core Power Framework so you can learn in minutes and hours what took me months and years.

Tell me if any of this resonates with you...

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You keep asking yourself, "Am I doing this right?" or "Will this work for me?"

It's time to put an end to the uncertainty and boost your confidence in your decisions.


You are confident in some areas of your life, but unsure in others?

Let's work on creating a consistent sense of self-assurance across all facets of your life.


You have a vision for what's possible but you struggle with making it happen.

You have what it takes, and I'm here to help you realize that.

If these situations sound familiar, you're not alone, and most importantly – you don't have to stay stuck. I've developed a unique process that has already helped numerous people build real confidence and overcome their challenges.

You have no idea how confident and clear you can be.

Working with me

Rather than focusing on tips and techniques, we focus on bringing your core self to your life.

We clarify who you are and what you want to accomplish.

We determine any doubts hindering your efforts, you learn to let them go, and then you take action.

We evaluate, celebrate, and revise your efforts so you keep moving forward and connected to your core self.

You repeat the process until your goal is achieved. You benefit from that success and knowing how to achieve it without being fake or burning out. The process works because of the power of your core self. Keep tapping into that and you will succeed.

What I live for and how I can be useful to you

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My life

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HR sphere

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My hobbies

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Coach and life coach

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My projects

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Client Reviews

The discussion I had with Joey opened my eyes to the notion of purpose that I never suspected was a necessity to have as a writer. We only talked for an hour but now I have a new focus and start working on a project that I have been struggling with for 6 years. I'm so excited.


Diomaye Augustin NgomActor/Writer/Educator

Working with Joey, I have gone from feeling like an "F" in many areas of my life to an "A". The idea of working from your core has been so powerful. Joey is endlessly patient and understanding - I recommend him to anyone who wants to work to improve their life.


Teresa Peters

Owner, T&K Images

Recent Blog Posts

Having fun and staying detached in sales

Embracing Fun and Detachment in Sales

May 29, 20243 min read

Have you ever watched children play a game? They're fully engaged, enjoying the moment, yet remarkably detached from the outcome. This blend of enthusiasm and detachment is refreshing and enlightening, especially when applied to the sales process. For business owners and entrepreneurs, infusing fun and staying emotionally unattached to outcomes can transform your sales approach, making every interaction more enjoyable and less burdensome.

Understanding Your Core Process

At its essence, a core process is a distinct set of steps you naturally follow to achieve results rooted in your unique values and operational methods. It's about knowing how you work best—not just what you do but how you do it—which can make your sales efforts feel more like a playful game and less like a chore.

The Power of Fun and Detachment in Sales

Incorporating fun into your sales process and staying detached from the immediate results can revolutionize your approach. When you understand and utilize your core process, you align your actions with your natural strengths and preferences, making the process more enjoyable and engaging. This alignment boosts your energy and allows you to handle rejections (the inevitable "no's") with grace and ease.

Renowned business thinker and author Daniel H. Pink notes, "The best salespeople are not those who are most attached to the outcome but those who, like artists, enjoy the process itself and the act of creating." This perspective shifts the focus from the stress of securing a sale to the joy of interaction and offering value.

Risks of Ignoring Your Core Process

Neglecting to integrate your core process into your sales strategy can lead to several pitfalls:

  • Loss of Enjoyment: Sales can quickly become a draining task rather than an enjoyable challenge.

  • Burnout from Attachment: Being overly attached to each sale's outcome can lead to frustration and burnout when results don't meet expectations.

  • Decreased Resilience: Without the buffer of detachment, every rejection may hit harder, decreasing overall resilience and motivation.

Sara Blakely, founder of Spanx and a champion of innovative entrepreneurial practices, perfectly encapsulates this sentiment: "You've got to embrace what you don't know, be willing to fail, and laugh at yourself. If you do that, you've got a winning formula."

Benefits of a Core Process-Centered Sales Strategy

When your sales strategy is built around your core process, staying unattached and having fun is easier. Here’s how:

  • Stress Reduction: Understanding your process helps mitigate stress because you know what to expect from yourself and can adjust your efforts fluidly.

  • Increased Creativity: Being unattached to the outcome frees up mental space for creativity, allowing for more innovative approaches to customer interactions.

  • Enhanced Adaptability: Fun makes you more adaptable and open to experimenting with new tactics without fear of failure.


Just like playing a game, if you approach sales with a sense of fun and an unattached mindset, you are more likely to enjoy the process and continue improving without the pressure of every sale's outcome weighing you down. Your core process isn't just a pathway to results; it's a strategy for more joyful and effective selling.

Embrace the principles of play and detachment in your sales strategy to transform pressure into pleasure and turn every interaction into an opportunity for growth and enjoyment. By doing so, you ensure that your sales efforts are successful but also sustainable and fulfilling.

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Joey Chandler

I love talking about who we are and how we can bring more of the to our lives and the world.

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You can cause an eruption in your life by tapping into your core values and making use of your best self. We do this in the Volcano Club.


Site: www.joeychandler.net

Location: Reno, NV


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