Unlock Your Best Self in 2024 with the Volcano Club

What trait do you say will make a difference for you in 2024?

Is it confidence, courage, determination, kindness, focus, consistency, or something else?

Whatever it is, here is how you can increase that trait.

  • Clarify your core values using a new system.

  • Choose an important goal.

  • Take actions that align with your core values and the goal.

Because your core values represent you at your best, the more you use your values, the more your natural skills and abilities come to the surface. As that happens, you increase the desired trait in your life and business.

I discovered this by asking myself, “How can I use courage, connection, and curiosity (my core values) in my day?” This helped me reenergize myself after burning out.

Then I built confidence by asking, “How can I create a business that reflects and supports my core values?” From that, I developed a new approach to coaching that requires minimal effort (about 10 minutes to set up) and then uses daily reminders to help people take actions aligned with their core values and goals.

Then, I increased my caring and concern for others by asking, “How can I use courage, connection, and curiosity to create an irresistible offer?” I thought of others and asked, "What trait do you think would help you succeed?"

So, what trait do you think will help you most in 2024?

Because we can help you increase that in your life and business.

When you sign up, you get:

  • A 1-on-1 call to clarify your core values, an important goal, and the trait you want to improve.

  • Custom daily emails to remind you of your core values and goals.

  • An app, online community, video training library, and Zoom calls for extra support.

The process works because it helps you find what works for you and is applicable whether you are doing extremely well or are completely burnt.

  • Each day, you remind yourself of your core values and then apply your core values to your goal.

  • You take action and develop systems that serve your needs.

  • If you stumble or miss a few days, no problem. You start over the next day.

Sometimes you take small steps, and sometimes you take big steps. Sometimes, you’ll address your needs, and sometimes, your clients' needs.

Either way, you’ll be grounded in your core values, focused on your goals, and using your natural skills and abilities.

But what if you don't know what to do? No problem - you do what you know to do. You take the step you see you take. In my experience, the vast majority of the time, you know what to do, or at the very least, you know the next step.

After you take that step, you'll learn something new about yourself and your goal. And this is important, even crucial, in these uncertain times. Rather than someone telling you a system that works for them, you take action and develop systems that work for you.

All you have to do is wake up, read the email, and take some action. And if you don’t take action one day, no problem. The email will arrive the next day, and you can start over.

That is your journey, and the Volcano Club will be there for you.

It’s called the Volcano Club because I’ve found the cumulative impact of your efforts will create an eruption in your life.

You have access to Volcano Club for three months so that you are guaranteed to increase the trait you want. Chances are that trait is currently at a 3 or 4 out of 10, and we'll get it to an 8 or 9. Once that happens, you can stop or choose another trait to increase.

Most of the coaching occurs in the custom email by reminding you of your core values and suggesting how to use them to achieve your goal. There are weekly calls and an online community if you need extra support.

And who is in the community? Entrepreneurs and leaders who want to improve their abilities and achieve goals. Everyone is on their journey, and we support each other in making the most of our core values.

I can’t tell you how it will look or exactly how it will happen, but when you use your core values to achieve a goal, you will elevate the desired trait in your life and make good things happen.

So, what trait would help you in 2024?


P.S. If you think, "Well, that sounds good, but it won't work for me because of (time, money, focus, I've already done this, etc.)," I have training to address those doubts and worries. When those limiting beliefs are running the show, that is a place where your core values are missing or could be elevated.

What trait will set you apart in 2024? Whether it's confidence, courage, kindness, or focus, the Volcano Club can help you amplify it.

Three steps to increase that trait using Core Values

  • Clarify Your Core Values: Uncover your guiding principles.

  • Set an Important Goal: Choose a goal that matters.

  • Align Actions: Take steps in sync with your values and goals.

As your core values become a daily compass, watch your innate skills surface, boosting the desired trait in your life and business.

With the Volcano Club you get:

  • Personal Call: 1-on-1 to clarify values, goals, and desired traits.

  • Custom Daily Emails: Gentle reminders tailored to your values and goals.

  • Comprehensive Support: Access an app, online community, video library, and Zoom calls.

How it Works:

  • Daily Reminders: Ground yourself in core values and apply them to your goal.

  • Flexible Approach: Small or big steps, your pace, your needs.

  • Continuous Support: Weekly calls, community, and an email safety net.

What makes the Volcano Club special?

In the Volcano Club, you get the support and encouragement to be yourself. Rather than trying to fit someone else's plans and processes into your life, you take action and create systems that reflect and support you, your core values, and your goals. With each step, you increase the desired trait in your life in big and small ways.

Community of Achievers

Connect with entrepreneurs and leaders on similar journeys. We uplift each other to maximize the potential of our core values.

The Benefits

The value of the Volcano Club comes in different forms.

  • The joy of having more of your desired traits in your life.

  • The satisfaction and material benefits of achieving an important goal.

  • The power and peace of mind that comes with knowing your core values.

  • The freedom to get past doubts, fears, and other limiting beliefs.

  • The courage and confidence to create systems based on your needs.

  • The ability to make all of this happen on your own..

  • The surprise and delight of learning more about yourself and what you have to offer the world.

All this to stay is that the benefits of the Volcano Club include and go beyond increasing your desired trait. And it works because you can always take action aligned with your core values and goals.

Why Now?

Because there is a trait that will help you succeed, and the Volcano Club will help you increase that trait. The process is simple – wake up, read the email, and take action. If you miss a day, no problem; restart when you're ready. You have access to the program for three months, which is more than enough time to create a shift from a 3 or 4 to an 8 or 9 in your chosen trait.

What is the trait that will help you in 2024?

Whatever that trait is, you can make that happen in Volcano Club. Invest in Your Growth - Join the Volcano Club Today

Joey Chandler

P.S. Doubts? Worries? We've got you covered. Our training addresses time, money, focus, and more. Elevate your core values and watch your limitations fade.

Client Reviews

I love [Joey's] work because it's so simple and effective. I don't have to think a lot for it to work and that is very helpful given all that I have going on every day.


Shannon Adkins

Managing Director


In a matter of 30 mins, Joey helped me figure out a core value that I couldn’t identify. It was impacting my ability to deliver a mastermind to my new clients. This uplevel is huge and will impact my $$$ and health. Invest in yourself and hire Joey.


Katrina Starr

Momentum Catalyst, LLC.

I was already established professionally in my dream job, but had a need for structure and anchors from which to build my new career. With Joey, I was challenged and able to find a purpose that helped me achieve a better outlook on life, more energy and an overall motivation.


Anna Maria Aune-Moore

Senior Project Assistant

Resettlement and Family Reunification

at IOM - UN Migration


I am an author and coach who assists entrepreneurs and founders in making the most of their core selves.

I started my core-based work in 2015 after producing several hundred tribute videos. Through these videos, I listened to thousands of individuals express their affection for loved ones. These experiences confirmed my belief that we all possess innate qualities at our core, and the more we tap into them, the better off we are.

I live in Northern California and am an avid skier and photographer.

The Volcano Club

Elevate the trait that will make a difference for you in 2024.

  • 1-on-1 call to clarify core values, goals, and desired traits.

  • Custom Daily Emails to remind you to align with your core values.

  • Weekly Zoom calls to ask questions and get support.

  • Video training to help address limiting beliefs, procrastination, and other doubts.

  • An online community to share successes and make connections.

  • Three month access which ensures you have enought time to increase your desired trait in your life.

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Everything you need to operationalize and maximize your core values so you can achieve goals faster.

  • CLARITY - A proven process to clarify your core values and goals.

  • EXPLORATION - Custom daily emails with new ways to use your core values to achieve your most pressing goal.

  • ACTION - A training library for using your core values to overcome procrastination and limiting beliefs and increase your creativity and energy.

  • SUPPORT - MONTHLY Q&A sessions to answer your questions and provide support and an online community.

  • FREE 7-day trial

Ideal for anyone who wants more direction, focus, and confidence in their life.

If you are feeling lost or stuck, this is for you.

The ERUPTION Program

Everything you need to operationalize and maximize your core values so you can serve your clients, your team, and your self more effectively.

  • Everything from the Foundation program plus:

  • CLARITY - A proven system for connecting your core values with how you operate and make things happen.

  • EXPLORATION - Ways to use your core values to serve your clients and employees more effectively.

  • ACTION - A training library for creating your custom framework, foundational documents (vision, mission, client, etc.).

  • SUPPORT - WEEKLY calls for support and an online community.

  • FREE 7-day Trial

Ideal for coaches, consultants, and business owners who want a system that serves themselves and their clients.

The Volcano Club

After only about 10 minutes of setup, get

daily custom reminders and suggestions on using your core values to achieve goals faster and with less stress.

And it's free with no credit card required for seven days.

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