Thriving in hard times.

Thriving in Times of Hardship

May 28, 20243 min read

If you are in business, you will face hard times.

Imagine navigating a stormy sea without a compass or a map. The waves crash, the wind howls, and you struggle to stay afloat. This scenario isn't far from what business owners and entrepreneurs face during hardship and change. However, those who know their core process possess an internal compass that guides them through even the roughest waters, fostering resilience and adaptability.

What Is a Core Process?

Your core process is the consistent steps you follow to approach challenges, make decisions, and achieve goals. It reflects how you operate, encapsulating your values, beliefs, and behaviors. This process is not just a theoretical concept but a practical tool you use daily to keep your business on course.

Benefits of Knowing Your Core Process

Understanding your core process is beneficial at all times, but it becomes crucial during periods of adversity. It provides clarity, direction, and a sense of stability, enabling you to navigate changes with confidence. When things are going well, your core process helps maintain momentum and growth. When faced with challenges, it acts as a reliable framework for problem-solving and decision-making.

Quotes from Thought Leaders

  1. Peter Drucker: "The best way to predict the future is to create it." Drucker’s insight highlights the proactive nature of having a core process. Knowing your core process better equips you to shape your path forward, even in uncertain times.

  2. Carol Dweck: "In a growth mindset, challenges are exciting rather than threatening." Dweck emphasizes the importance of mindset in resilience. A well-defined core process fosters a growth mindset, allowing one to view challenges as opportunities for development rather than obstacles.

What Happens If You Don’t Use Your Core Process?

Neglecting your core process during hardship can lead to chaos and indecision. Without a clear framework, you might react impulsively to challenges rather than responding thoughtfully. This can result in inconsistent actions, diminished morale, and a loss of direction. In contrast, adhering to your core process ensures that your responses are aligned with your values and long-term objectives, promoting steadiness and coherence.

Resilience Through Structure

Having a structured approach to challenges doesn't mean you’re inflexible; rather, it provides a stable foundation from which you can adapt. Your core process helps you identify what’s important and what isn’t, allowing you to focus your efforts effectively. This structure supports resilience by giving you the confidence to tackle difficulties head-on, knowing you have a proven method to guide you.

Adaptability in Action

Adaptability is crucial in an ever-changing business landscape. Knowing your core process enhances your ability to pivot and adjust strategies without losing sight of your goals. It encourages a mindset of continuous improvement, where each challenge is a chance to refine and strengthen your process. You become more adept at handling new and unexpected situations by continually iterating on your core process.

Real-World Application

Consider a business owner facing a sudden market downturn. Without a core process, they might panic and make hasty decisions. However, a business owner with a clear core process will first assess the situation with curiosity, identify key areas for improvement, connect with stakeholders for insights, create a plan, and execute it systematically. This structured response addresses the immediate issue and lays the groundwork for long-term resilience and adaptability.


In conclusion, knowing your core process is a powerful asset in building resilience and adaptability in times of hardship and change. It provides a reliable framework for navigating challenges, ensuring your actions align with your values and goals. By embracing your core process, you can turn adversity into an opportunity for growth and innovation, steering your business confidently through any storm.


Knowing your core process fosters resilience and adaptability in business. It provides clarity, direction, and stability, helping you navigate challenges effectively. Embrace your core process to turn adversity into opportunity.

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Joey Chandler

I love talking about who we are and how we can bring more of the to our lives and the world.

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