Being resilient while selling

The Long Game: Being resilient while selling

May 29, 20244 min read

Sales can be a demanding field, often requiring a blend of persistence, strategy, and resilience. In today's competitive market, how can business owners and entrepreneurs maintain their drive without becoming pushy or burning out? The answer lies in understanding and leveraging your core process.

What is a Core Process?

A core process is a unique, repeatable sequence of steps that you naturally follow to achieve your goals. This process is deeply connected to your core values and reflects how you operate at your best. By identifying and refining your core process, you can ensure that your approach to sales remains authentic, efficient, and sustainable.

As business coach Tony Robbins once said, "It’s not about the goal. It’s about growing to become the person that can accomplish that goal." Understanding your core process helps you grow into a person who can achieve sustained success in sales.

The Role of Core Processes in Sales Resilience

Resilience in sales means having the ability to persist through challenges and setbacks while maintaining a healthy and authentic approach. When you are clear about your core process, you are better equipped to handle the ups and downs of the sales journey. Here’s how:

  1. Clarity and Focus: Knowing your core process provides clarity about what works best for you. This focus helps you stay on track and avoid distractions that can derail your sales efforts.

  2. Consistency: A well-defined core process ensures that you approach each sales opportunity with consistency. This consistency builds trust with your clients and makes your efforts more predictable and reliable.

  3. Authenticity: Your core process is a reflection of your true self. By adhering to it, you ensure that your interactions are genuine and not perceived as pushy or insincere. As Oprah Winfrey emphasizes, "The key to realizing a dream is to focus not on success but on significance—and then even the small steps and little victories along your path will take on greater meaning."

The Consequences of Neglecting Your Core Process

Neglecting your core process can lead to several issues in the sales process. Without a clear understanding of how you operate, you may resort to tactics that are not aligned with your strengths or values, leading to a lack of authenticity. This can make your approach seem forced or pushy, ultimately damaging your relationships with clients.

Moreover, without a core process, you may experience burnout. The constant pressure to perform without a clear roadmap can drain your energy and enthusiasm, making it difficult to maintain resilience. As leadership expert Warren Bennis noted, "Success in management requires learning as fast as the world is changing." Without a solid system or core process, your sales efforts can quickly become unsustainable.

Benefits of Integrating Your Core Process into Sales

When you integrate your core process into your sales strategy, you enhance your ability to maintain resilience in a healthy and non-pushy way. Here’s how:

  1. Healthy Persistence: Understanding your core process helps you persist through challenges without compromising your values. This healthy persistence ensures that you stay motivated and engaged without becoming overly aggressive.

  2. Efficient Adaptation: A clear core process allows you to adapt efficiently to changing circumstances. You can quickly identify what needs to be adjusted while staying true to your fundamental approach.

  3. Building Trust: By being consistent and authentic, you build trust with your clients. This trust is crucial for long-term relationships and sustainable sales success.

  4. Sustainable Growth: Leveraging your core process leads to sustainable growth. Aligning your efforts with your natural strengths and values avoids burnout and ensures that you can keep going in the long run.


Understanding and utilizing your core process is not just about improving sales techniques; it's about fostering healthy and authentic resilience. By aligning your sales efforts with your core values and natural strengths, you can navigate challenges more effectively and build stronger relationships with your clients.

Sales resilience comes from within, and your core process is the key to unlocking it. Embrace your unique approach, stay true to your values, and watch as your sales strategy transforms into a powerful, sustainable force. Remember, in the world of sales, resilience is not just about pushing through—it's about finding a way to keep going that is true to who you are.

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